Sunday 21 October 2012

What is your priority???

Many a times in life, we never know our priorities!

Yes it is true!

That is why everything keeps changing in this world! If everyone had a plan and a purpose in their lives, the world would have been more orderly. As the saying goes, Change is the only constant thing in this world.

So I thought of putting myself into answering this question of what would be my priority in life. I wanted to ask the same to you. Regarding priorities, many of us don't know what it is and even misunderstand it.

I asked my friend the same question. He replied that his priority would be to buy a new home for his family. Man, there is a term for it. They call it a short term goal. Please don't confuse it with a priority.

I couldn't answer this question at all. I could correlate this question with the one asked by great sage from southern part of India, Ramana Maharishi, who searched for an answer to the question of self, "Who am I?". Noone is able to answer it till date.

Cutting back to the topic, priorities are something that hold a significant position in your inner heart than other things for a longer time. You may or may not have tried it or you may have succeeded or failed in it. It is very difficult to find that thing for which you always a soft corner involuntarily.
And priority doesn't attribute in any ways to the physical relationships of this world. 
I would like to draw a line of code between priorities of Generation X and Y (we belong to Gen Y and our parents belong to X). Our parents' priorities were to make us study whatever that they couldn't do in their lives and to also make us have a happy and a great life. But ours' should be entirely different. Yes I mean it once again!. 
Today a 22 year old thinks similarly like a 50 year old in terms of any fields in this world. So know your priorities. It is not about you doing your MBAs, marrying your girl friend, buying a new home for your parents. These are termed as desires and goals.

Priority is something that is regarded as more important than another. To know about the another, you have to know what are all the things available that you can do in your reach which you can prioritize.
One advice is, have your priorities towards the welfare of this world. You may think it as a bluff. I realized it after gathering vast number of information only. May be someday, you will get a spark too. When you know your priorities, you start to do the best to this world.

"Your desires and aims give the best for your personal needs!
May your priorities do the same to this world too!"

Prioritize!! Doh!

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