Monday 1 October 2012



From yesterday, I have been thinking to write an article on this. Still thinking!!

OK, here it goes. I intended to write an article on management tips that flash once in a blue moon in my brain through a wider range of cognizance I have acquired from books (Believe me. I have many bookmarks!! )

So When I determined to write a blog separately under this category, I heard my inner conscience roaring, “Poda Patti” (Sidin's Style).

I can understand. It doesn’t want to resist anymore. How many times can it put up with me when I say that there is going to be a change this time?!!! 

My Inner Conscience!!! Sorry to show this!!

Aap hi bhatayiye kya Karen ham!!??

Anyways, in my style, I would say,”Comedy Boss!!!”

Coming back, that is the essence of this article which is embroidered with some obstacles that come along with it.
The Dark Knight Rises

Yes, this is going to be a journey similar to that of Christian Bale in “The Dark Knight Rises” where he jumps out of that prison only when the ropes are not curled upon him (What? Haven’t watched the movie yet?? Please!!!!!!!!)

So, everyone is expecting some sorts of transmutation in their lives from their current jobs because of some of the following things.

Reason#1  :   They don’t fit in the right kind of frame.

Reason#2  :   They are incompetent.

Reason#3 : They aspire for something else. This literally has two subcategories.

Sub Category#1 : They are day dreamers (One half of me here!! ).

Sub Category#2 : They really want something else (Another half here!! ).

Reason#4 : They are fed up due to a cliched work.

There are people who have all the above four reasons together for expecting a change. Maybe, the great of all, Homer Singh may have all this together!! (Sigh!!)
So how can we bring about the change we wish for?

Case Study... Case Study.. Case Study.

Case 1: Those who are unwilling to take risks for the change and still wish for it!
Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding
Let us take the case of “Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding” (Morgan Freeman!!) from Shawshank Redemption as an example. 
He serves a life sentence for a murder. Inside the prison, he also serves as a contraband smuggler selling drugs and other stuffs to the inmates of the reformatory. 
His kind of character desires for a change, but doesn’t know how to make a life outside of prison as he has been dwelling in his cell for the past two-three decades!!

One of you reading this may be like “Red”.

It’s not wrong. I would attribute this to the level of exposure that one has been brought up in his/her life all over. The less exposed you are, the less chances are there for you to take a risk knowingly.

If you don't have any idea about that, the best option is to get in touch with those who have some discernment more than you and who can suggest you some useful ways.

Red and Andy in Shawshank prison
“Red” had luckily acquainted the great friendship of “Andy Dufresne” in that movie. Not all of us can get one like that. So, it is our duty to find one like that. Even in that movie, “Red” understands the cleverness of Andy and makes some moves to become friends with him. Imagine how you would have to be then!

If you don't follow that, it is going to be really difficult for you to have a change.

Ekalavya seen begging Drona

In Mahabharatha, there was a warrior named Ekalavya, who was the best in archery. He had the ability to outsmart even the mighty Arjuna. But he didn't have someone to guide him. He desperately wanted to become the sishya (student) of Dronacharya, who neglected him fearing that a man from a lower caste like him might overtake Arjuna who belonged to the caste of Kshatriyas (Kings).

So, those who are unwilling to take any risk/do not know what to do, try to grab the they-know-lots-of-information people and get to know their experience and expertise in your fields.

So that you can move to Case#2

Case 2: Those who are willing to take risks for the change!

Here we shall take the example of “Andy Dufresne” from the same movie. He is clever, succinct and reacts less to even the worst situations.

Andy Dufresne
He knows that he didn't murder his wife. But he has been acquitted with proof. Later in his period in jail, he comes to know the murderer. He faces a lot of politics inside the cell. He has only one aim in his mind and he mentions it very cleverly to “Red” saying that if he ever escapes from the jail, he would go to Zihuatanejo, a beach town on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Red only pacifies him wishing him that it will happen someday. In heart, he knows that Andy can never make it from Shawshank.

But Andy firmly believes in his escape. Involuntarily, his sub conscience starts to work on the process of ducking out of the prison. He asks if Red could find him a rock hammer, an instrument he claims is necessary for his hobby of rock collecting and sculpting. This instrument plays a major role for his escape from the prison.

Andy after his escape from prison

The rest is movie. Please watch it if you haven't. The point is he never gave up even in that worst situation. He had a rock solid aim that didn't get away for two decades even if it is a serious crime. He finally made it out of his cell through the mighty hole that he had carved for 20 years which, in his room was behind a poster of Rita Hayworth, one of the top actresses of Hollywood in the 1940's.

Point :

Risks may have mighty failures many times! But one should never give up!

Lazy Homer !!!

Case 3: Start the Day --> Drink Coffee --> Eat Vada Pav --> Go to office --> Coax colleagues --> Come back and flirt with GF/BF --> Sleep --> Goto Start the Day..

I need not say about the consequences for these kind of people. You know it very well for yourself. The point is that they will fret over it someday, when everything would have passed by them unnoticed, only to lament about it later.

Advice to them :
Try at least to think about it Sirji!!!! Time is waning!!! “

So, Mahabharatha --> Ekalavya --> Andy Dufresne --> Red --> Life

Remember these things.. In someway, they may relate to you or they may look absurd as always. Anyway, by now, I hope an idea would have clicked your mind!

So, start now. Think about it. Homer Singh wishes you the very best in finding whatever you want in life. Doh!!!!

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