Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Real Leader

Okay, he comes to office in the company sponsored cab and heads straight to the restroom and brushes up his hair quickly and checks if his tummy is stuffed half in his shirt and half in his pant and takes a walk towards his cabin.

Yes, he is my manager! The man who has a work experience of over 10 years in our field.

Day 1, my perception about him is that he must be a great person with packs of talents with him. He comes and talks so nicely in all that jazzy words.

I can compare him with Diabetes, the disease which slowly and steadily enters your body and make you more vulnerable to many diseases. At first, he talks to you so politely. Later on, he gradually gets a grip on you and use you as a whip lash for his bullock cart.

Day 15, I start to feel that he never listens to anyone. He asks questions and he talks something else. Never bothers to hear the answers. Never.

Day 150, I totally hate him. 

He looks so irritated.

He comes and asks, “Do you know what is a flip?”

I say, “I don’t know about it”

He asks, “Have you worked on it before?”

Now, you could have got a glimpse of my manager’s supreme listening capacity.

When he asked about flip, I wanted to answer something else. I don’t know if I can post this here but anyways I will hint it indirectly (which means directly!) so that you can understand my frustration.

Conversation Repeat:
He looks so irritated.
He comes and asks , “Do you know what is a flip?”
I say, “Christ, I don't f**king know you c**k sucking shit stain”.

He asks, “Have you worked on it before?”
I say, “Goddamn son of a  b**ch. Can’t you f**king understand English? I said I don’t f**king know. How the f**k are you asking more about it you moron?”.
Conversation Repeat - Over:

Ah I wish I could have conversed in this way. Felt much better.

The point is, these kind of people, who are in the managerial roles around the world, never bother to listen to their team members, show their angers to them, irritate and squeeze them to the core for no reasons. It is like suddenly some horns have grown upon in their hands making them look like a race bull. They bring shame to others in the field. This kind of attitude only develops hatred upon them.

With all this hated feeling, I come home. My mom is watching TV. She understands that I am angry for some reason. I am angry because I am angry and she is happy. Bad know! I am waiting for a chance to counter her now for no reason. She diverts me saying that the new Simpsons episode is awesome and that I should watch it. Saying this, she sits to dine with me. She keeps the plates in front of me and goes on speaking about the interesting incidents that happened today. Mostly they were annoying to me except the one about the neighbor Nirmala aunty (who is 38 and looks so sexy by the way). In an extreme state, when  I was not able to control myself, I took out the plates and kept it back with a bang. She fell silent immediately and  started to talk again.

“Why are you angry for no reason?”

‘Do you know that? Did you see? You don’t know anything. You sit all day in home preparing food and watching TV and in the night, you are giving to give the day’s updates. Have you ever bothered to ask about mine?’

Mom sees me for a moment. She smiles sheepishly. Total irritation for me.

She starts, “ Have I never asked you? Have you ever bothered to tell me first?”

Aha now I am in the King’s court. She has a point now. Whenever, I am irritated, I don’t open it to her and even if she asks me, I used to shout at her for no reason and go to my room.

So I say all the things that happened with my manager today.

She says, “It is simple. Why don’t you understand it?”

I get irritated totally and ask her that in what way this looked simple.

“When you are showing your anger to someone in your range, he is showing his anger to someone similarly in his range. Hmmmmm (Sigh).. You people call yourselves managers and future leaders . I think you should go back way behind in time and understand about everything once again from the scratch”.

Saying this, she goes inside the kitchen to wash the utensils. I sit there like a frozen lava. I would attribute her reply to something that slapped right in my face so hard (facepalm).

Now I leave the same to you to understand who is a real leader and what it takes to be one!!!


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